Saturday, September 1, 2012

Demystifying the Unknown

Image: stock.xchng

I don’t know why fear is so paralyzing at times. We can’t use fear as an excuse anymore for not doing something. Well, really we can’t use the fear of the unknown as an excuse. Statements such as “I don’t know about that” or “I don’t know if it’s the right decision” or “What if I fail?” or “ even “I am afraid of the unknown” swirl in our conscience and conversations. But, I tell you, that last statement really irks me. It is quite funny if you think about it.

How come there is a fear of the unknown, especially when it comes down to making a decision. Rather, why is there a fear around making a decision regarding what you truly desire? Why is there a fear of the unknown? Where does it come from if you want to quit a job? How come this fear of the unknown exists when we have the ball in our court? There is no real reason after all. Simply put, the unknown is always here. Every moment we experience, we breathe, we live have been unknown to us. It is only when it is done is that thing becomes known. The unknown is not some far off place. The unknown is the next breath. It is the next millisecond. It is the next step. And guess what? We are still here.

The unknown is there even if we are not conscious of its existence. We meet the unknown daily. Even if you think your life is routine or predictable, the unknown can alter your life. It can be at the hands of others, you, Mother Nature, or by the slightest decision to turn left instead of right. The unknown doesn’t have to be treated like Pandora’s Box. The unknown doesn’t have to be a huge leap into an abyss. Welcome the unknown into your life because it is a companion that is always with you. Accept is at a place of neutrality without judgment. You never know what wonders may in store.

Sharing love and light,


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