Wednesday, August 22, 2012


I am currently typing this post while sitting at the library. Before I started this post, I saw the number of page views I had since I last checked. Wow. People are on my blog for real. And guess what? There is no new content on here. Well, it's new if you are just visiting for the first time. Thank you for your visit. I appreciate you and my long time readers and blog family. If you have been a regular on here, you know that I have spells where I am away from here. This time my absence is due to another computer situation. I find myself every couple of months having the need to repair the computer. This time it isnt a software issue. Thank goodness. It's hardware. As a matter of fact, the power button is defunct. Something is not clicking inside where the power is coming on. So, I am sporadically coming to the library to check email and reconnect. Before my eight minutes of time on here runs out, I just wanted to say how much I am really missing being on here in the sphere of great individuals like yourself. However, this time away from blogging, Facebook, other blogs, and email is helping me to detach. I didn't realize how much I was dependent on the computer and the internet for daily functioning. This period of detachment is helping me to explore my other creative sides. I became aware that I was neglecting the performing artist that I once was. She aches  to be back on stage. I haven't perfomed since college so this period is allowing me to read books on the craft and preparing for auditions. Also, I am taking time to paint and decorate. Yay! I was scared of exploring painting on canvas, but it's not scary at all. I just let myself go and see what appears. Anyway, the time is dwindling and it's time for me to go. I hope to reconnect with you all soon.

Love and light,

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