Saturday, July 14, 2012

Update to my bubblesite

Coming to the Stage
Medium: Fractal
I have been using Red Bubble for a few years now to sell my art online. While I have made sales in the past, I really wasn't bringing in the sales that I initially thought I would. I know that lack of promotion and marketing was an issue, but I also think it was due to the inconsistency in pricing of my works. To remedy both issues, I am going back to the drawing board to revamp my Bubblesite.  It is time indeed.
First, I want to build a marketing plan to reach more than viewers of my blog. I want this to be global. So of course I will be using social media to get the word out. This entails me creating a fan page on Facebook and tweeting on the regular on Twitter. Any other ideas for marketing, besides guest blogging (I really freeze when it comes to writing.).

Additionally, I would like to reformat the pieces being sold on there. When I began using Red Bubble, I just knew what the minimum image size requirements were for upload. I thought that if they stayed within a range, I could still get an 8x10 or 12x12. This is not the case. Consequently, when I added a specific markup to all of the items, the prices ranged tremendously but I didn't understand why.  I didn't realize that the print options would vary from one to the next because the pixels of the uploaded image varied. So while I could get a "small" print for one piece, the same "small" print of another piece doesn't necessarily mean it is the same size. Sucky right? That is why reformatting is necessary. I have already begun the process of taking down some pieces, but I am really pondering taking down everything and starting anew. 

Anyways. During the meantime, I will keep you posted on what's happening with the Bubblesite and let you know when it is back up and running for business. Changes are a coming and I can't wait for the results. Enjoy your day!

1 comment:

  1. Revamping a site is akin to spring cleaning. Changing the look and the way you markup your items can only bring good. right?!
