Monday, July 2, 2012

Reading List for July

Shh...I'm Reading necklace charm (Home Studio on Etsy)

Lately, I’ve been doing much reading and I am loving it. I find it to be a part of my spiritual and life practices. I seem to be most drawn to self-help books and books for other artists. They are inspiring, comforting, and simply honest. Especially in times when I am beating myself up over an insignificant notion, I get the wisdom needed to surpass such challenges. What books have you been curled up to lately?
My reading list for July:
  • Finding Water by Julia Cameron
  • Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain
  • Life, Paint,and Passion by Michell Cassou and Steward Cubley
  • Your Heart’s Desire by Sonia Choquette


  1. Always happy to find another reader. Have you checked out the Goodreads website?

  2. Good day Judee, I have been informed about Goodreads, but I have yet to visit the website. I have been getting a number of Goodreads requests on Facebook so I guess it is time for me to look into it.

  3. Indeed! Goodreads is a great site!
