Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Soul Listening

Mandala Mandala
Medium: Fractal

I am in this phase now where I want to be solid and confident in who I am. I want to be clear and concise of the message I am sending out into the world. I want my personal brand to reflect itself in my every day and especially in my business. Currently, I have felt so scattered about which direction to take this project or that project that my thoughts/life are beginning to look like a messy mash up of leftovers. In artistic terms, it was a muddy color from all of the colors being swirled together, and I do not like muddy colors. I like a lot of things and there are many aspects of me, but trying to put everything in one stew is disastrous. I need clarity. I need order and I need it now.  So, here I am going back to the basics or better yet my core to get to the main values that will shape this path.  I have much to discard and some items to keep; however, I won’t know for certain until I begin the sorting process. I want a solid foundation for my business and so I know this soul work is necessary.  I must go within. I must listen to that inner spirit that always knows and is always available to lead me. I know I will not be lead astray. So, now it’s time to turn up the volume and do my soul listening.

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