Friday, June 1, 2012

Liberate Your Art, Liberate Your Life

Not long ago, I used to create fractals, paintings, doodles, and writing but would hoard what was made. I don’t know if I was selfish and wanted to keep everything for me to enjoy or if I was simply afraid that my art wasn’t good enough to share. It could have been a mixture of both. Either way, I knew that I wasn’t being served and neither were the potential lives my art could touch. I suffered because of my fear-driven actions in more ways than one. This wasn’t how I expected to live my adult life and I was fed up.  I had to make some changes. I had to relinquish –my art, my fears, my thoughts, my need to know how things would turn out.

 The issue was that I needed help. Thanks to answered prayers, I found support. Along this slow and steady journey have been many angels, guides, friends, mentors, and teachers sharing their stories, offering tools, aiding me in recognizing my limiting beliefs, and encouraging me to create the life I wanted. It took altering the way I thought about myself and my art to give me the gumption to share. A simple yet significant switch has made the biggest difference in the world.  I have opened my life to possibilities that I have only dreamed about. I am so glad because many rewards and beautiful experiences have come my way. With this said, I realize that this can’t stop here at the local level.  Another step must be taken.

So, now my arms are outstretched and ready for full liberation. One way I am expanding is by participating in the Liberate Your Art 2012 Postcard Swap. I participated in postcard swaps before, but I rarely sent something I created. It wasn’t a requirement.  This time, however, is about me and what I am made of.  Kat Sloma of Kat Eye Studio may not know that she has been a gem by offering this opportunity.  I am allowing myself the gift to share my art with other creatives.  Could this be a step for you too? There is still time to sign up. Share the love. Share your gift. Liberate your art.


  1. I love this post! I too have been on a journey of liberation with my work. Feeling undeserving and unworthy trapped me in a vicious cycle of not reaching goals. Luckily, I have been able to get out of that rut! This swap sounds like something I should be participating in!

    1. I find this process to be empowering as well. I certainly hope you consider participating.
