Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Replacing the Tire and Making Way for the New

As a new year typically brings about resolutions to lose weight and be healthy, I have made the focus of my resolution on the total revamping of myself and my career. For the past year and a half I have been slowly grasping the life of an artist, designer, entrepreneur, or whatever I wanted to be at the moment. At the end of this period, I have not made a drastic change from where I've started. Yeah, I can say I have I made a few sales here and there from my art on RedBubble and a shirts on Cotton Smoothie (Spreadshirt) or been in one show, but that's not going to cut it if I really want to thrive. Therefore, a change needs to be made. Though I have done plenty of research about starting a business and such many times before, I think the start of 2011 brought me the real insight I needed to get over the hump in my life. More realistically, it wasn't the hump that I needed to be concerned about but the old tire of a cycle that has been worn down for some years. I need a replacement instead of a spare or donut. 

Getting to this realization wasn't easy one bit. There were a number of you all out there that have helped me ask the critical questions for evaluating my life, understanding my resistance to growth and the necessity to follow spirit, and fulfilling my dream as a business owner. Whether it was from Write Your Life Right sessions, the e-course from Scoutie Girl, reading the early years posts from Kelly Rae Roberts, or venturing into the lives of all you great artists and craftpreneurs that help make this world a beautiful place; I am now in a space that is ready for a new life. I know what habits must be relinquished and I know what skills need to be developed. I also understand the power that fear played in the past and the power that faith has for my future. All in all, I know that this makeover will not happen overnight, but as long as I take action daily, my dreams will be realized and I will be at my full potential.

For you all, have you experienced any breakthroughs? Have you started witnessing changes in your life?


  1. Hi Darnita,

    Good for you for going for it. I feel the same. I'm outside the window of the life of a full-time artist looking in, wishing I had whatever it takes to go for it, but not doing enough to make it happen. Part of that is that I have a full-time family and a full-time job, but that shouldn't stop me, right? Anyway...Here is a MeetUp group that might help you. Each month this group of artists/business people make goals toward improving their businesses and report back, as a support system.

  2. Thanks Sandy! I will certainly check it out. I need to make some serious adjustments or I will be stuck in an unfulfilling life.
