Thursday, April 18, 2013

Working Outside the Lines

Every once in awhile I end up in a conversation with someone that asks what I do. Then I respond with "I'm an artist." Sometimes I add the "and a textile designer". For some reason, I get a little choked up with the artist title because the next question out the other person's mouth is "What kind of art do you do?" or "What is your medium?" I respond, "I'm a fractal artist." Oh "I've never heard that" or as one guy said several weeks ago (trying to tell someone else) "You try to figure out what you're looking at". WTF?!!!!! No, that's not what fractals are. Anyway, I shared my pitch about fractals but also interjected by saying "I also paint."

Which brings me to the need for this post. I HATE being confined. Whether physically, mentally, emotionally, metaphorically, whatever.  It is suffocating. And I guess I have a little panic when someone inquires about the type of art I do. I feel like I have to give one answer when in actuality I make what I make. For now, my website acknowledges me as a fractal artist, abstract artist, surface designer, and photographer. I know that seems a lot already, but I do much more than that. I follow the beat of my own drum and go with what makes my heart content at the moment. So, you might see drawings, figurative paintings, collage, poetry, or whatever I decide to create under the sun or moon. That's just how I roll. Whew! I felt like I completed a confessional. I feel so much better now. 

Ok, but to you fellow artists/creative/entrepreneurs, I have some questions for you. How do you explain yourself to others about what you do when you do more than one thing? Do you find yourself wanting to justify your actions and work? How do you thrive in business when so many strategies/business/marketing tools say FOCUS and gear toward your target audience or pick one thing?


  1. WOW! Great questions. No limits, no explanations needed. You're an artist. Period. With multiple interests and mediums. Love it and own that :-) When it comes to particular projects or a show, then you might want to focus but even then if the overall look is cohesive, why does it even matter?

    1. I guess it shouldn't matter at all right? I will OWN this! It is freedom by owning all of me and how I express myself. I do agree about having focus when it comes to a particular project especially for an exhibition.

  2. I try to explain what I am doing or describe a last project I'm working on. Kind of avoiding big question about art in general. Works for me. I hate question about how I make a living.

    1. Liu, that is a great idea. I hate those what I do for a living questions. I will give the attention to my projects for future conversations. Thank you.

  3. i understand, because i do so many different things.
    i simply say now, "i'm an entrepreneur". if they inquire further i simply treat people on a need to know basis. i don't "assault" them w/ everything I do because they won't get it. I just tell them what i think they will understand. i keep it simple and sweet.

    people can process "i'm a teacher", "i'm a doctor" but when you play between the lines, many people can't get it. and i just don't feel like explaining to most people. now, those who i know get it, then i give them the real deal, everyone else just basic info.

    1. I like how you said "assault" because it could be overwhelming for a person that may be expecting a quick response. A general title as entrepreneur is a nice way to share without giving all the goods. I think depending on the type of relationship building or connection I want to have, I might tailor what I do that may be of interest to us both. So if I meet someone by chance that is a fashion designer, I might just mention the textile designing aspect. Thanks for sharing.

    2. no problem! i really identify with this i had to add my two cents! :-)
