
Hi lovelies!

Welcome to At the Art of It. My name is Darnita L Howard and I am an artist. I'm also a photographer, surface designer, and an author. Did I mention I am also a wife, aunt, laughaholic, vibrant living guru, K-pop addict, and all around awesome person? Of course, I could go on and on and on but who has time for that? Let's get to the juiciness of why you are here.

When I started At the Art of It back in 2010, it was a platform to record my journey and experiences of becoming an artist. From rants, art projects started with good intentions but weren't completed, and announcements of events, this place was mainly focused on my life. While I do love talking about my life, this is not why I am here.

The divine purpose of us all is to connect, to learn, to grow, to express, and to discover. Therefore, I have decided that At the Art of It will offer more content focused on the beautiful design of life in not just my life but that of other phenomenal people making a difference in the world. While art, photography, and design will still be at the core of At the Art of It, you will certainly get a blend of messages and tools that aim to make all of life beautiful and awe-inspiring.

Nice to make your acquaintance. Pull up a seat, sip on tea, and enjoy the beautiful things life has to offer.


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