Thursday, October 7, 2010

Playing with markers and paper

Hi Everyone! Long time no see. I've been away from you guys for too long. Though I have made a few peeks at the other blogs, I haven't been in the blogging mood. Not to worry though. I've been busy elsewhere.

While I've been away from the computer, I have been playing with my markers. 
Care to see a few?

Now, what shall I do?


  1. Markers are so much fun. I like the faces you did.

    I've been away from blogging, too. Just getting back into it a little bit. I really needed the break and there wasn't anything happening in my studio. With fall coming soon I'm sure I'll feel more like blogging again.

  2. Hey Janet! Glad you like the faces. I was really feeling blah about art and bloggin, but now I'm renewed. Just came back from DC and I bought some art goodies. Guess I should post about the trip.
