Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Camera in Tow

Good day all!

For the past couple of months, I have been carrying my camera in tow just looking for inspiration and anything that catches my eye. This has been especially beneficial as I journey and record life in a new city and state. For each shot taken, I have come to realize how exhilirated I feel. The new banner for At the Art of It is just a sampling of what I've shot recently. And yes, I'm in love with flowers. Thus, photography is certainly an interest in which I would like to hone skills. Currently, I am using my point and shoot Kodak and I am amazed at what can be done. Once I move out of novice stage, I hope to upgrade to a DSLR. So, in the end, I look forward to sharing some of my photos in addition to the fractal works. Enjoy your day!


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