Saturday, July 3, 2010

Staying Committed in July

It's already the third day in July.  Time is moving by so fast.  Anywho, I'm a part of the Creative Everyday challenge, but I haven't been sharing with you my daily creations.  Initially, I said that I would post on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  For some weeks, it's been more like whenever I get around to posting.  I need to do better. 

Thus, for the month of July, I am forging ahead and committing to post daily for the rest of the month.  Whether it is a simple picture, list of positive quotes, or random messages; I will share DAILY.  I promise myself this.

Here's what I did yesterday after I bought myself some fine point Sharpies.


  1. All of these are good but I love the first one! It's so bold and I always like B&W with just a little bit of color.

  2. Thanks Janet! I find that when I doodle in black, I get apprehensive about using color. I like it just the way it is, but color really adds impact.
