Tuesday, May 4, 2010


My creativity is stifled right now.  It could be due to exhaustion from recent events and activities.  My weekend was wonderful and packed; consequently, I think it depleted my energy.  I need some creative fuel to get me jumpstarted.  Any suggestions?


  1. Crayons + Coloring Book = Coloring outside the lines Fun!!!!

  2. I was still thinking about your situation when I came across this courtesy of Pret a Voyager: http://arthousecoop.com. Check it out! There are many different art projects where you can collaborate with different artists and get involved! :)

  3. I got that all the time, I think it's more luck of energy, not creativity :) I just take it easy and wait. Also doodling helps. And old notebooks, I've been having them for the last 6 years, there is always something in these pages what I wanted to make but never had time. And chocolate. Not very creative, but it works :)
    Good luck :)
    Hope you'll be fine soon

  4. @Liz- I do have a huge coloring book. I should go dust it off. Thanks, too, for telling me about the website.

    @Liu- Just realized that I filled my sketchbook. Time to get a new one. Not stifled anymore since I went on a getaway. Got my share of chocolate too. :-)
