Monday, May 17, 2010


I've received my first rejection letter from a gallery this weekend.  My first submission was to the Art on Paper 2010 exhibition at Weatherspoon Art Museum.  It was unfortunate and great to receive the notification of my rejection.  They had over 280 submissions, which made me feel extra special that my works were actually reviewed. 

Being rejected is apart of life, especially when one is doing something he/she is passionate about.  Coincidentally, I found a fortune in my purse this weekend which speaks to this notion.

"If you don't fail now and again, it's a sign that you're playing it safe."

Isn't that the truth?  I know I'm on the right track.  This is just the beginning.  Alongside rejection is acceptance.  Andy Warhol and Pablo Picasso were also rejected at times.  I know that I'm in good company.


  1. Great attitude to have. I know ALL about rejection. I'm awaiting a letter from a museum right now. I'll keep your words in mind if it doesn't turn out the way I want. Keep on going, I say.

  2. Sandy,

    I have to stay positive. If I get myself down everytime I'm rejected or if something doesn't go as planned, then I would be a mess. Positive attitude is the way to go.
