Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Release the Old, Embrace the New

Source: http://www.sxc.hu/

Happy New Year Everyone!

I have been away much too long. I hope this blog finds you in good company. I have been going through the process of healing, cleansing, and releasing for some months. And now, it's 2013. Where has the time gone? Oh well, it's a new day which means new steps are here and will continue to be made. This is great for it allows freedom, the ability to change and the know-how to live life purposefully.

Right before the clock struck midnight signaling the new year, my love and I meditated, prayed and set intentions for 2013. My love said that we should focus on what we want to embrace instead of all that we might lose. I agreed. It was such a brilliant concept. As I thought about what I wanted for the year, I knew that I would have to let go of all that didn't serve me: fear, insecurities, doubt, past pain, obstacles, shame, and mounds upon mounds of excuses of why I wasn't in a better place in life. In order for me to welcome in the new and unknown, I had to send all the baggage on its merry way. These things mentioned were no longer of me and my way of BEing in the world. Thank goodness. So, I thought that was it of the baggage. Then...

I attended a workshop Sunday that was about intention setting. The first thing we had to do was state our highest aspiration for the year. This wasn't a specific goal but the highest level of expression we wanted for our life or an area of it. That part went fine and dandy. Next came a head butt of addressing a current problem or situation , our hopes and fears around the aspiration, and the false beliefs we have. And guess what happened? The biggest trunk of pain was still lingering and it unleashed onto the paper as well as through tears. The crazy thing was that I thought I got rid of it last spring.  Nope, didn't happen apparently. We learned in the workshop that before we could really set intentions, we must first face our fears. Boy was I facing the fear that day. By the end of the session, I had emptied out a box of tissue and my eyes were bloodshot. While this sounds terrible, the process is what I needed. I haven't felt fearful since Sunday even though its still early in the week. I am more hopeful. I think the sobbing was a cleansing. I released the pain. I forgave myself.  Now, I am at peace. I am open to receive more joy in my life. I am grateful. I am ready and willing to embrace all that is in store for me in 2013.

What have you released and what are you ready to embrace in 2013?

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