Saturday, October 15, 2011

Life still goes on

Good day all! I haven't been on here in AGES! I miss this space of sharing and being a part of community. The computer is still defunct and so my dear Picture Positive is on hold until further notice. I am finally taking responsibility for this experience. Just because that aspect is on hold, doesn't mean a dag on thing. I am still an artist and life still goes on. Have you ever engaged in such an experience? One thing doesn't work out as "planned" and your whole life seems to come to a halt. Why do we paralyze our life? There is no real reason for this. I stopped myself from blogging anything just because I wasn't in the comfort of my own home and using the personal computer with all my goods. I can blog about anything in this space. It is mine. So I decided just to write and see where the keys take me. I'm here. I'm still alive. I'm present in this moment. Life is going on. Where have you stopped living? What do you see as the culprit? Are you ready to take responsibility for the experience?


  1. So good to hear. I'm a big one for stopping everything if one little thing goes off plan. But, good for you for keeping on keepin on!

    1. I just take it one step at a time and I am learning to be happy in the present. Even if something doesn't turn out the way I want it when I want it, I know there is divine timing for everything. And for this I am grateful.
