Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Day 50: Picture Positive

Fear in the Face

"Each time we face our fear, we gain strength, courage, and confidence in the doing."

Woot! Woot! I can't believe it's the 50th day of Picture Positive. When I embarked on this task for myself, I didn't have a timeframe in mind. I thought after 21 days I would be good and positive and that would be the end. However, Picture Positive has pushed me beyond my limits. The first limit was 21 days, but the next was 30.  Around day 28, I was asked to keep going. In my head, I was like "Really? How can I?" So much for positive thinking- huh? Then my big girl self said "You can do it! Go for it! Be bigger than you ever thought you could!" So, I decided that I would make Picture Positive a year-long project. I looked fear in the face and told it to back off. So, that's why I'm here at Day 50. 

 Thank you for all that have joined me on this journey. I hope to share these works and messages to inspire others. Whatever fears you may have, just stare it down until it's as meek as a mouse. Go ahead and be BIG and BOLD.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE THESE POSTS! They are medicine to my soul each and every day. I remain truly inspired by this endeavor and the art is simply breathtaking and potent. Thank you for continuing on your journey and allowing us to come along for the ride. Best! xoxo Tamara
